Sedona Arizona is famous throughout the world for its spectacular, quintessentially "western" red-rock canyons and buttes. The town has been host to the filming of numerous cowboy movies, and supports a booming tourist industry based entirely on its natural scenery. Few visitors are aware, however, that the same geological features that make the area so picturesque also created ideal conditions for prehistoric habitation. Deep in the Secret Mountain Wilderness that borders Sedona to the west are a series of sheer cliffs and hidden canyons that are littered with the remains of ancient Sinagua cliff dwellings.

1. Canyon "B"
Four ciff-dwelling groups in a canyon west of Sedona. Click on the thumbnail to go to the page.

2. Canyon "L"
Two cliff dwellings and two cave ruins in a canyon west of Sedona. Click on the thumbnail to go to the page.